It has been a lot of work by many people but construction of the Scouting Museum @ Camp Norse is almost done. The outside oft he building was completed in June with Jeff getting it painted. The inside construction is just about done. Now it’s where, and how, do we display the 200+mugs that have been donated. Or the +1,000 books we now have. What about the patches, neckerchiefs, uniforms, newspaper articles, Jamboree paraphernalia, OA items, pictures, slides and the list goes on.

We’re designing, and soon will be building display cases. A display stand donated which will hold posters and items that need to be protected from touch. We’re moving forward and I hope we do a grand opening in the spring.
If you Scouting memorabilia that you would like to donate to the Scouting Museum @ Camp Norse please contact Bob or Steve to arrange pickup.