Would you like to serve scouting by spending the weekend at Camp Norse? The Campmaster corps is a group of trained Scouters who serve at council camps whenever troops, teams, Webelos dens, or posts are using any part of the camp property. Campmasters select their…

It has been a lot of work by many people but construction of the Scouting Museum @ Camp Norse is almost done. The outside oft he building was completed in June with Jeff getting it painted. The inside construction is just about done. Now it’s…
Please join us for the 2nd annual summer gathering of the Camp Norse Alumni Association. Saturday August 18, 2018 12:00 pm at Camp Norse. Bring a spouse, bring a friend. Come to Camp Norse, visit the Scouting Museum @ Camp Norse, tour our camp, visit…
Check out our Newsletter! Camp Norse Alumni News 2017-Spring

We hear people referring to the old waterfront and old Dining Hall. Thanks to Greg Boyd for this 1945 picture of the “Old Dining Hall” which was located over looking Darby Pond between Chief’s Hill and the current BB range. If you have any old…

What is Camp Norse?
Is it 300 acres of beautiful land in southeastern Massachusetts?
Is it the place you learned to swim, paddle a canoe, save a life, and cook over an open fire?
Is it the place where you learned a song, or yell, at a camp fire or in the dining hall, that you still remember after all these years?
Is it the first place you went camping?
Is it where you shot a BB gun, .22, shotgun, or bow & arrow for the first time.
Is it where you camped with your pack, troop or crew? With your fellow scouts and friends.
Is it where you did your Order of the Arrow Ordeal?
It’s where you made lifelong friends.

Check out the old promotional video that was put together for the 2008 season of summer camp at Norse. A few things have changed around camp since then, including several nice additions. #FlashbackFriday with a lot of familiar faces!

In addition to posting information here, we’ll also be actively posting on our Facebook Page. Be sure to come Like us on there! https://www.facebook.com/campnorsealumni/
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